Piddling influence
I am avoiding all the Jake sites online, starting right now, until I get home and watch Ellen and the ITV interview for myself. True sign of a bent mind: the fear of being spoiled on an interview. I tried to tell my doctor that we need to review my meds, but he said I was fine.
Anyway, I've forgiven Jon Stewart for going on and on about Larry Craig. Because this morning, I had a thought. It's a far-fetched thought, but it is entirely within the realm of probability. Last night, my immediate impression was that the Donnie Darko references were Jon's creative way of both acknowledging the online fandom and telling us that he thinks we're insane. That assessment hasn't changed, but what did occur to me as I read through Prophecy Girl's live-blog account made me glad I hadn't thought of it last night. Because I'd never have gotten to sleep. Because it's just too intriguing to ponder.
Of all the roles, why Donnie Darko? Certainly the Brokeback Mountain community has a bit more presence.Perhaps because one of the crazy fans who wrote to The Daily Show begging Stewart to mention the online Jake in '08 campaign signed with her screen name, Cherita Chen, and some intern whose job it is to read that email recognized the name as a character from Donnie Darko? Did Jon Stewart just make fun of me on his frequently-rerun (just look at my sidebar) show? Has the legacy of the Toronto cilantro continued?
Or is it the migraine medication I had to take last night? The hormone fluctuation from my feminine cycle? Just plain nuttiness?
I'll be back some time tonight after I've caught up on all the day's treasures. Cheers!
Photos: IHJ.
I love your theory Cherita. You very well may be on to something. ;)
I almost didn't come on either. Ellen is on at 1pm here and I have to be at work at the same time. I am actually thinking about coming home for my meal break to watch my recording. I think that this will be a great way to finish off Jake Week.
BTW, I don't think I told you, I am going to see Henry Sat night. What a great way to finish out an unbelievable week.
You know I will be back later tonight to discuss Ellen. Later!
Did you watch Ellen yet? It was great. WOW! I am actually speechless.
Looks like Jakes Red Sox are winning. Bastards!
You sure tend to impress the audience girl, don't you...:)
I think that your theory might be plausile and in this case you would be the only one of us all having some sort of influence on all those TV Shows hosting Jake these days...;)
Hi ladies! Sorry for my disappearance last night. I was busy recording all those interviews from my DVR to my computer and generally trying to catch up elsewhere in the community.
BG, your weekend sounds terrific! I sometimes regret that I didn't try to meet Henry the one time I attended his performance. If you do try to meet him, good luck, and let me know what happens!
I'm mostly kidding about the Donnie Darko stuff--after everything Prophecy Girl and britpopbaby have done to get the attention of, well, anyone who would listen, the idea that someone suddenly acknowledged me for a single email is rather silly. But it was entertaining, and the kind of thing that an obsessive mind like mine can spend hours of fun with.
Ellen was wonderful, Jake was wonderful, and how about that Alison Hammond? Completely off the wall and I think Jake enjoyed it, being surprised and unbalanced like that without derision or smarminess.
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