Conan O'Brien saves the world
Okay, not really. But he did give us the absolute best, most delightfully bizarre moments with Jake so far this week. He's also the first one to even mention Zodiac among Jake's past work. Just about everything that was missing from all the prior interviews was here, starting with a change of clothes for Jake. Whether this was arbitrary or the result of some misfortune befalling the pinstriped suit, we can't say.
Conan cited the Jake Gyllenhaal beard effect, which induced Jake to talk about how he smells. This is very dangerous territory, and once again I wonder if Jake knows what he's doing to some of us when he says these things.Having (more subtly than on his last visit) trashed his father's judgment on Letterman, it was someone else's turn to be embarrassed by Jake on national television: his friend, the devoted Red Sox fan. Gyllenhaalics can pretty well guess who that is, and being able to picture him as Jake tells the story makes it that much funnier. I always prefer that Jake humiliate himself rather than a loved one when giving interviews, but in this case a little payback for some truly eye-catching behavior was probably in order, so I'm with him here. Plus he's just so damn adorable in telling it; it's Jake's recreation that everyone will see and make fun of, and he knows that.
Conan also managed to ask Jake a somewhat personal question that wasn't invasive. I hope other tv hosts around America were taking notes. Jake said yes, he went a little crazy being between jobs for several months, and then gave us the musical tie-in that we should have had on Letterman with 50 Cent by singing a bit of Gnarls Barkley. Which he parlayed into a Gnarls Barkley duet with Conan. I love this man.Um, Jake, that is, though Conan has definitely won me over in his own right.
So, will Jon Stewart ask Jake any of the questions sent in by fans? Honestly, it would be more than I hope for. This week's schedule is so full of Jakey goodness it has made the home stretch to Rendition's opening fly by, and the promise of another red carpet appearance (Roma Film Fest) immediately following means my adrenaline--and my pheremones--will be pumping for a while to come.
I like Conan, I mean he's a bit crazy but he's a great sense of humour and he's a friendly type, in his own way...
I don't think at the Red Sox story as humiliating, you can feel deep affection behind his words...
And once more time I had to say that Jake was breathtaking...I hope I'll be able to bear all this beauty when/if I'll have it in front of me...
Speaking of which: did you see Ellen preview? She made Jake cook!
Jesus Christ he is devastatingly erotic in a apron...
Oh, I do believe there was a lot of affection behind the story, but I have to say humiliation would be a reasonable reaction on anyone's part if it were them. Not saying he was, you understand.
Yes, I saw the Ellen preview, which I linked in my comments yesterday. :) When I emailed her, I asked her to get him to dance. Making him cook never occurred to me, but she's already more than satisfied me with that act alone. Plus the teasing about removing his clothes again! Just the pants? We'll take it. ;)
I am devastated, Cherita, my friend, and I hope you can rescue me.
Since I am a moron when it comes to hooking up electronics, I foolishly relied on a (very busy) electronics genius friend of mine to come over and hook up all my stuff, so that I could tape all the Jake goodness this week. However, fate has been unkind to me as my friend's schedule has kept him from getting over to my house, and I've been so busy from the move I haven't had time to try to find someone else, and I don't want to take the chance in starting a fire in my new, albeit rented, home by trying to do it myself.
All this long-winded explanation comes down to is....are you taping or DVR'ing all this wonderful stuff and can you bring it with you later this month????? Oh please oh please oh please let the answer be yes!
Did I mention I love you and you are my very bestest friend in the whole world ever???
Silly, silly woman. But of course I can bring you everything on a nice neat DVD! You know, you don't have to wait if you don't want to--there are links to everything on YouTube in the Catch Jake bit on my sidebar. But since I'll want to archive these things to DVD for myself anyway, it's not even a question. Damn, it's a good thing we're going to a theater to see Rendition, otherwise we might not leave the house at all. ;)
Well actually, if I were his Red Sox fan friend, if not humiliated really, I'd be VERY embarassed...:)
BTW I've just finished watching Regis and Kelly and I have to say I didn't like it at all...I think they were rude and invasive...and Jake was very subtle and clever to dodge this one...
They say JR could be harsh but I found THAT harsh AND silly...
Sorry...I'm overreacting...
On a lighter note : Jake I like you 'fraud'! :)
I don't think you're overreacting, because I thought Regis was a bit of a dick with the questions. And yes, Jake handled it marvelously, as he usually does. At least JR didn't keep probing with the same question over and over when Jake clearly was not interested in discussing something.
Silly, silly woman. But of course I can bring you everything on a nice neat DVD!
Of course you can. I indeed am silly in questioning whether you, of all people, would be archiving everything this glorious week. WTH is wrong with me??
You know, you don't have to wait if you don't want to--there are links to everything on YouTube in the Catch Jake bit on my sidebar.
Actually, I had thought of that, however, my computer is so S-L-L-L-O-O-O-W-W-W whenever I try to watch anything on YouTube I get frustrated and wind up just giving up. BUT, help is on the way as I have ordered myself a new laptop with LOTS of RAM, which should arrive just in time for my birthday! Isn't that nice?
Damn, it's a good thing we're going to a theater to see Rendition, otherwise we might not leave the house at all.
ROFL!! That thought had occurred to me as well! Can't wait to see you hon!
P.S. BTW, I still love you, even if you had said you weren't DVR'ing this week. ;)
Now that I had time to reflect on the Conan appearance I have decided that I absolutely loved it. I was a bit crabby last night. I guess I am a bit overwhelmed with RL and all of these crazy Jake Watching hours I have been keeping.
I about passed out when Conan sniffed his beard. I agree that it is very dangerous territory. That will be a classic Gyllenmoment for years to come. :)
Our local movie theater has finally posted Friday's show times. I am going to the first showing at 1 pm. Woo Hoo!
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